The cost of these services is £210 per week.
As of 1st April 2025 the cost of Training Livery shall be increasing to £231 per week (£33 per day).
Training livery includes but is not limited to the services detailed below:
Starting a horse is the process of introducing the first saddle, long lines and rider. It is undoubtedly one of the most important and influential phases of the horse’s life. A good start can install good behavioural patterns and a willingness to work. At Balanced Equine we work with the horse mind as well as his body creating a bond built on trust. The horse is encouraged to see the handler as a leader to work with in partnership. This method causes them to become far more mentally stable and often their whole outlook on life is changed for the better.
Groundwork can be done close to the horse on the halter or at a distance on the long lines. Either way it is a fantastic way to improve your relationship with your horse, teaching manners, respect for your space and it is also great for building confidence both in horse and handler. Above all it can also be great fun for you and your horse achieving things you didn’t know were possible.
Balanced Equine specialise in the backing and schooling of youngsters, store horses and older horses. Jo’s patient approach and vast experience means that your horse will receive the top class care and attention to get him off to a great start for a career on the track. We can take on both homebred and horses direct from the sales for starting under saddle and also take horses for pre- training before they go on to a trainer’s yard. Sales preparation, rehabilitation and re-schooling can also be arranged. Please call Jo for an informal chat to discuss your horse’s individual requirements.
Jo also has experience in re schooling ex racehorses to give them a chance at a second career whether it be a quieter life as a leisure horse or as an RoR horse for competition.
Remedial work can be done with many of these horses but unfortunately it takes much longer to undo undesired learned behaviour and to rebuild trust than it does to do it right in the first place. Remedial work can also be done with ridden horses that have developed an unwanted behaviour such as napping, rearing or bucking. These horses will undergo a thorough assessment, including physical soundness, after which an honest opinion will be given as to the quality of horse that can be produced.

All sizes catered for.
Although Jo will help clients with riding their horses after backing or re schooling she does not provide riding lessons.
Before Balanced Equine starts work with a horse Jo requests the owner to fill out a Training Livery Agreement and a short Assessment Form so that we can identify the key goals that you would like to achieve. Jo will then work with you to devise a plan that suits you. Jo likes the owners to be hands-on so that she can coach you for a successful future with your horse.
Training livery spaces can be booked with a £100 non-refundable deposit.
Training livery spaces are open ended so that horses are always offered all the time they need. There is a wait list for training spaces. A deposit secures your place on the list and Jo will keep you updated as to when a space will become available. Spaces cannot be held without a deposit. Get in touch to find out the approximate time scale of the current wait list. This will change as each deposit is taken.